Zero-waste Leek Top Oil

Recipes often call for the green leek top to be cut off, so here is a quick recipe showcasing how to use it.  Keep the oil in the fridge and use it in many different dishes such as pan fried eggs, omelettes, stir fried recipes or simply roasted veggies.

Prep time: 15 minutes

Cook time: 0 minute

Total time: 15 minutes

Servings: 4


100 g Leek tops

½ tsp Salt

150 ml Olive oil


  1. Finely slice the green leek tops. Rinse under cold water to remove any dirt.
  2. Drain and add to a bowl with salt. Massage the leeks with your hands for about 2 minutes, until they soften and liquid has come out.
  3. Place the leeks into a small upcyc;ed jam jar and cover with oil. Store in the fridge and use as you wish!
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How to store

Store in an airtight container, in the fridge, for up to 7 days.