Choc Pot & Fruit Toast

We recently teamed up with The Coconut Collab to bring you their plant-based Choc Pots as a free add-on. And they’ve shared this tasty toast recipe that uses fruit in your box and their tasty chocolatey pots. It’s the perfect weekend breakfast, or decadent snack.

Prep time: 5 minutes

Cook time: 5 minutes

Total time: 10 minutes

Servings: 1


1 slice Sourdough bread / Bread

1 The Coconut Collab Choc Pot

1 Nectarine / Clementine


  1. Toast the bread to your liking.
  2. Pop the Choc Pot in the microwave for 8 seconds to melt it. Drizzle it over your toast.
  3. Slice whichever fruit you’re using and lay it on top of the chocolate. Enjoy!
Chocolate coconut collab pot on toast with sliced nectarine